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This Week In Pictures

It was a great week! Our biggest news is that we got an accepted offer on a house! We put in an offer on Monday and it was accepted. We have 10 days to do our inspections and then 30 days for the people currently renting to move out. We have great plans for this house. It is small, but cute. The backyard has lots of trees and it creates a sort of private, shady spot.

Rainy Tuesdays got us like, crazy hair.. don't care.

Lali bear is deciding weather to stay in bed or not..

Basketball Tuesday is still a thing.

Pictures while I was running errands throughout the week.

Thursday morning. Damian love love loves Citlali. She is his favorite! He loves giving her cuddles, holding her, and putting all his toys around her so she can play with them. This week Lali has been rolling from her back to her tummy. She was getting her arm stuck for a while but she's gotten better throughout the week. She is starting to roll herself from one place to the other. She is still the happiest baby I have ever known. Smiley as can be. ALL. THE. TIME. Love it!

We walked over to the park with some friends :)

Thursday evening was Danny's work BBQ. It was in Priest Lake, about an hour away. They drive was beautiful, everything was so green. I guess I have to get used to that up here.. haha. We met up at a cute little Bed & Breakfast. The view was incredible.

Lali was loving it.

Chips as an appetizer.

Some sweet friends of our helped Damian make a s'more over the fire at the BBQ. They also go to our church.

Damian loved it. He ran around the entire time. The sun has been setting at around 8:30ish and so we headed home and it was still light outside. We saw about 3 sets of deer on the road on the way home. Our friends hit one! It busted their headlight and dented the side of their car. They are okay though.

This weekend we have been taking it easy. We plan to go hiking later today, so we will see how that goes.

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